Who We Serve

We Serve Oil and Gas Companies

Operating in upstream, midstream and downstream markets

Our knowledge and experience come from hands-on experience. We have worked directly for the energy industry as program managers, project leaders, business analysts, subject matter experts, solution architects, and developers.

We help minimize IT challenges that come with implementation and upgrading IT systems. These IT Systems are used by businesses to manage and strategize the operations and management while still increase opportunities for efficiencies with qualifiable ROI for you.

We can help our customers integrate applications and provide consolidated views of the metrics that are used by field and shop operators, accountants, financial management, talent management and executive decision makers.

New Oil and Gas Software Applications or Upgrade Existing Ones?

We help customers implement new business systems or upgrade existing ones. Our experienced team has the core and subject knowledge that aid IT stakeholders in making the right choice during software selection. We also provide a comprehensive view of the gaps that exist between off-the-shelf applications and on the ground business processes, thereby creating optimization opportunities by standardizing business processes and/or enhance the existing processes for efficiency and tangible returns.

In addition, we understand the procedures behind exploration, production, disposition of gas and unrefined oil and commodities trade. Our specialists can help with framework modifications and can share industry best practices and drawbacks to stay away from.

Our experience and knowledge with large-scale implementation, deploying both onsite and offsite teams allow the customers to manage triple constraints (cost, schedule, and delivery). Our virtual delivery model and access to a vast talent pool allow quick on-boarding, faster delivery and cost efficiency. We follow best practices that are proven and have been deployed on successful projects and programs with knowledge accumulation. We also adopt structured process flows that bring highlight risk identification, visibility and transparency, resolution, and closure.

oil and gas applications